Mission Statement

This blog was created from the general dissatisfaction with the movie making and distribution industry of which I've been a part for many years.

I entered the industry with a kids dream to create my own stories and films and ended up learning just how afraid the industry is of failure and originality that I decided it's time to try something new. Something that is more in line with what actually motivated me in the beginning. The experimentation - working with limited resources and connecting with my audience troughout the entire process.

The years of working on "the inside" in a sense made me lose touch with fans of the things I do and want to do. I believe fully in the fact that sharing knowledge is the only way to make this life better. So I'll start right here...

...and let's see where this experiment takes us.

OpenVideoLab.com will also be the host source of upcoming projects coming from me.

Martin Munthe
Film director/Producer/Inventor
Stockholm, Sweden, 2011