Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ubuntu interface reflections

I used Macs as my main and only computer system for fourteen years. Then I switched to Windows simply because windows had gotten ahead of Macs in terms of video editing software that used GPGPU. So I've been a Windows user for ten years. Seven years ago I started looking at Linux. I installed a distro - gave up - had a break and came back and installed a new one, constantly frustrated at the state of drivers and the crude xOrg.

From using the Finder, Explorer and mostly Gnome desktops and now having a go at Unity two design related issues occur with Unity. When I used a Mac I couldn't ever picture myself wanting the top window buttons anywhere other than on the left side. Then I started using Windows. It took me an hour to realise how wrong I had been all those years. The natural reaction when using a mouse is to drag the pointer down to the right of the screen when "relaxing" it. So the natural place for the buttons is on the right. If your not left handed. And I'm not.

The second thing I loved with Windows occurred with Vista. And that is how you use the "super" button (the button with the Windows logo) to fire off apps and searches. That's the one feature in all of my years using a computer that really triggered a sense of using the system much faster than I had before. Unity copied that. And that's great.

So in conclusion. Unity copied the best from Windows and the worst from OSX.

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